Friday 8 December 2017

AdWords Assessment

Adwords Assessment Answers – Academy AdsAdWord Guru.
Ø  Maria noticed last month that her ad often showed up beside a competitor’s ad for the same search terms. How can Maria understand how her performance compares to that of other advertisers?
1.   Use the Auction insights report to show how often her ads rank higher in search results than those of other advertisers. “
2.   Use the paid & organic report to see how often her website pages are showing in Google’s free organic search results.
3.   Use the Search terms report to see the terms people were searching for when her ad was shown.
4.   Track the clicks and clickthrough rate (CTR) of her ad campaign.
2.     An advertiser wants to know the minimum amount of money that she must spend on an AdWords campaign. What should you tell her?
1.   There is no minimum
2.   $100.00
3.   $2
4.   $5
The correct answer was There is no minimum.
3.     How much are you charged for a click on your AdWords ad?
1.   You’re charged $0.01 for every click.
2.   You’re charged only the minimum amount needed to maintain your ad’s position.
3.   You’re charged the full amount you bid.
4.   You’re charged 10 cents more than the next highest bid.
The correct answer was You’re charged only the minimum amount needed to maintain your ad’s position..
4.     Mary’s campaign consistently meets its average daily budget. What should she do to maximize her budget throughout the entire day?
1.   Change the ad delivery method from “Standard” to “Accelerated”
2.   Segment her campaign performance by time of day
3.   Change the ad delivery method from “Accelerated” to “Standard”
4.   Increase her daily budget
The correct answer was Change the ad delivery method from “Accelerated” to “Standard”.
5.     How should an advertiser with stores in both India and Germany set up an AdWords account to target users in these different locations?”
1.   Create two separate accounts, one for each of these locations.
2.   Create two separate campaigns, each targeting one of these locations.
3.   Create two separate ad groups, each targeting one of these locations.
4.   None of the above. AdWords can’t target users in specific locations.
The correct answer was Create two separate campaigns, each targeting one of these locations.
6.     Susan’s Sporting Goods sells a variety of sports equipment and clothing. How should Susan set up her AdWords account?
1.   Create two accounts: one for equipment and one for clothing. Within the equipment account, create a campaign for basketballs and tennis rackets. Within the clothing account, create a campaign for jerseys and baseball hats.
2.   Create an account for each product Susan’s Sporting Goods sells. In each account, create a single ad group for all equipment and clothing products.
3.   Create one account for Susan’s Sporting Goods. Create two campaigns: one for equipment and one for clothing. Within the equipment campaign, create ad groups for basketballs and tennis rackets. Within the clothing campaign, create ad groups for jerseys and baseball hats.
4.   Create one account for Susan’s sporting goods. Create one campaign for both equipment and clothing. Create one ad group that includes basketballs, tennis rackets, jerseys, and baseball hats.
The correct answer was Create one account for Susan’s Sporting Goods. Create two campaigns: one for equipment and one for clothing. Within the equipment campaign, create ad groups for basketballs and tennis rackets. Within the clothing campaign, create ad groups for jerseys and baseball hats. .
7.     Paige’s Pet Store is deciding on keywords for a new AdWords campaign. How should Paige set up her AdWords keywords?
1.   Bundle similar keywords together in one ad group based on common themes.
2.   Use general keywords to reach a specific audience.
3.   Use negative keywords for terms that are related to pets and animals.
4.   Use the Keyword Planner to come up with keyword ideas for Display Network campaigns.
The correct answer was Bundle similar keywords together in one ad group based on common themes..
8.     In addition to how much the advertiser will pay, which two factors are decided by the AdWords auction? (Choose 2).
1.   Whether or not the ad actually shows
2.   The ad’s position on the page
3.   How quickly your landing page will load once a user clicks on the ad
4.   The design of the ad, including font and color
The correct answer was Whether or not the ad actually shows, The ad’s position on the page .
9.     What report can help you identify opportunities to improve your keywords and ads?
1.   Paid & organic report
2.   Auction insights report
3.   Search terms report
4.   Time segmentation report
The correct answer was Time Segmentation report.
10.  Which two metrics help show you how many people found your ad compelling enough to actually click on it and visit your website? (Choose 2)
1.   Search terms
2.   Clicks
3.   Clickthrough rate (CTR)
4.   Impressions
The correct answer was Clicks, Clickthrough rate (CTR).
11.  Why would an advertiser use sitelinks?
1.   To let customers click a button to call the business
2.   To showcase customer reviews with high-quality survey data
3.   To show a link that sends people to the app store or starts downloading an app
4.   To give customers quick access to multiple pages of an advertiser’s website
The correct answer was To give customers quick access to multiple pages of an advertiser’s website.
12.  An advertiser wants to display a text ad that includes extra details like the business’s location and phone number. Which ad format should the advertiser use?
1.   Video ads
2.   Ads with extensions
3.   Shopping ads
4.   Image ads
Shopping Ads
13.  An advertiser wants to know if Shopping ads will appear on YouTube. What should you tell her?
1.   Shopping ads can appear on Google Search partner websites like YouTube
2.   Shopping ads can only show on pre-roll video ads on YouTube
3.   Shopping Ads can only appear on
4.   Shopping Ads can only appear on retail websites.
The correct answer was Shopping ads can appear on Google Search partner websites like YouTube .
14.  How are manual extensions different from automatic extensions?
1.   Manual extensions require you to fill out additional information. Automatic extensions do not.
2.   There is only one type of manual extension but many types of automatic extensions
3.   Manual extensions cost more than automatic extensions
4.   Automatic extensions require setup. Manual extensions do not.
The correct answer was Manual extensions require you to fill out additional information. Automatic extensions do not..
15.  Which campaign type would an advertiser use to target users who are searching on Google and browsing the web?
1.   Search Network with Display Select campaign
2.   Display Network only campaign
3.   Search Network only campaign
4.   Video campaign
The correct answer was Search Network with Display Select campaign.
16.  What bidding strategy should Tracy, a pizzeria owner, use to get more people to call her business?
1.   Cost-per-thousand viewable impressions (vCPM)
2.   Cost-per-acquisition (CPA)
3.   Cost-per-view (CPV)
4.   Cost-per-click (CPC)
The correct answer was Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) .
17.  How are rich media ads different from other ad formats?
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1.   They are displayed on the Search Network
2.   They are a type of text ad
3.   They are static image ads
4.   They are ads with animation or other types of motion
The correct answer was They are ads with animation or other types of motion.
18.  If you bid $2 for a click and the next highest bid is $1.25, how much will you pay?
1.   $1
2.   $1.24
3.   $1.26
4.   $2

19.  When is the Search Network only campaign type most useful for advertisers?
1.   When advertisers want to connect with customers at the moment they’re searching for related products or services.
2.   When advertisers want to generate interest for their business and target specific audiences.
3.   When advertisers want to target potential customers who are browsing similar websites.
4.   When advertisers want to run a video ad on YouTube.
The correct answer was When advertisers want to connect with customers at the moment they’re searching for related products or services..
20.  What value is used to determine whether your ad will show on a page and, if so, the ad’s position?
1.   Quality Score
2.   Quality Factor
3.   Ad Rank
4.   Ad Score
The correct answer was Ad Rank.
21.  Which targeting option can help you reach people who’ve previously visited your website?
1.   Interest category targeting
2.   Demographic targeting
3.   Device targeting
4.   Remarketing
The correct answer was Remarketing .
22.  An advertiser wants to target people on the Search Network who have previously visited their website. What should they do?
1.   They should use location targeting
2.   They should use device targeting
3.   They should use placement targeting
4.   They should create remarketing lists for search ads
The correct answer was They should create remarketing lists for search ads.
23.  Which targeting option should an advertiser use when trying to reach 25-30 year old males?
1.   Demographic targeting
2.   Interest category targeting
3.   Contextual targeting
4.   Keyword targeting
The correct answer was Demographic targeting .
24.  What does a high Quality Score indicate?
1.   Your ad and landing page are relevant and useful to a viewer.
2.   Your bid is high enough to have your ad displayed.
3.   You have been an AdWords user for a long time.
4.   Your ad relevance and landing page are below average.
The correct answer was Your ad and landing page are relevant and useful to a viewer..
25.  Let’s say your cost-per-click is $0.05 on average and you want around 200 clicks per day. What should you set as your daily budget?
1.   $2.50
2.   $5
3.   $10
4.   $25
The correct answer was $10.
26.  Which two bidding strategies can boost brand awareness and recognition? (Choose 2)
1.   Cost-per-click (CPC)
2.   Cost-per-thousand viewable impressions (vCPM)
3.   Cost-per-view (CPV)
4.   Cost-per-acquisition (CPA)
The correct answer was Cost-per-thousand viewable impressions (vCPM) , Cost-per-view (CPV).
27.  What is a free tool that offers keyword ideas and suggestions for Display Network targeting methods?
1.   Keyword Planner
2.   Display Planner
3.   Negative keywords
4.   Keyword lists
The correct answer was Display Planner.

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